Body Care

Scar Treatment:
15 minutes: $35
30 minutes: $60
50 minutes: $75

Magnetic Therapy:
Half-hour: $55

Salt Scrub: $35 A half-hour treatment

Footbath: $40 A half-hour treatment

Body Detox:
Full body: $85 includes arms, stomach, hips, glutes and inner thighs
One area: $50
Two areas: $70
Choose from the following options:
Coffee and Cream
We vigorously massage coffee grounds into the treatment areas with circular motions. It is followed with toning lotion.
Honey Bee Amazing
We use percussion massage to massage the honey to your skin with quick motions until the honey turns white.
It is followed with toning lotion.
You may experience some redness and stinging sensation during this service.